cipherblog : [...]
Updated: 17.3.2003; 22:54:29 Uhr.


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Montag, 3. Februar 2003

Safari to see minor refresh. With an abundance of leaked builds floating around the Mac underworld, there is speculation that a new public beta of Safari will be released this week -- though don't hold your breath for tabbed browsing to make it into the next release.

Instead, look forward to minor interface enhancements, bugs fixes and improved Flash performance.

Tabbed browsing speculation increased recently when Konqueror, the open-sourced browser built around the KHTML rendering engine that is also used by... [Spymac]
5:01:54 PM    comment []

Apple dealers fighting back. Henry Norr has written an article in the San Francisco Chronicle stating that several independent Apple dealers are suing the company over claims that it gives preferential treatment to its own outlets, notes MacCentral... [ Up-to-the-Minute Apple Mac News]
... and why would that be a problem, if Apple treats its own Apple Stores different? It's the same company after all!

3:33:36 PM    comment []

Aggressive net bug makes history. The Slammer worm that recently crippled the internet was the fastest spreading computer bug in history, say security experts. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]
3:25:16 PM    comment []

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