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Updated: 17.3.2003; 22:54:35 Uhr.


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Donnerstag, 6. Februar 2003

Journalist perpetrates online terror hoax. "Abdul Mujahid" of Karachi, the registrant of a purported terrorist Web site, is really journalist Brian McWilliams. [Computerworld News]
11:35:57 PM    comment []

Microsoft Leading Cause of Security Bugs. "Microsoft is responsible for the majority of new security holes in computer software," according to preliminary findings released by Berube Consulting this Tuesday. According to the independent study, Microsoft was responsible for over 276 security flaws last year alone, many of which are major, such as the bug exploited by the so-called "Slammer virus" that attacked many systems several weeks ago. A report from the Associated Press stated that the Slammer virus "crippled...corporate[,] government systems... banking operations and 911 centers." The findings involve a study of discussions by important security professionals; it states that compared to as competitors such as RedHat, Sun, and SuSE, Microsoft has a defect rate that is as much as fourteen times higher. "Problems with security can lead to expensive downtimes," warns David Berube, founder of Berube Consulting, although he notes that "competent information technology staff can often, with training, reduce the risk posed by security holes." It is estimated that the damage done by the Slammer virus could be vastly reduced, or, in some cases, eliminated, by more training and more maintenance on the machines affected; a patch that would immunize machines from the Slammer virus was available last July. Slammer has already been estimated to have done as much as $1.1 billion dollars in damage or higher. [infoAnarchy]
11:35:23 PM    comment []

Here is way to view your Radio weblog on your desktop:

Use this link only with Radio running.  This can allow you to do two things:  1) provides you a preview of your weblog if you are publishing while disconnected (ie.  a laptop on an airplane), and 2) allows you to use Radio as a personal journalling tool that is never published (this is a great way to create a extremely private back up brain of time organized notes). [John Robb's Radio Weblog]
9:38:21 PM    comment []

Web worm suspects arrested. Two suspected computer hackers are arrested in raids by the police in the UK in a combined operation with the FBI. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]
9:35:54 PM    comment []

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