cipherblog : [...]
Updated: 17.3.2003; 22:54:38 Uhr.


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Freitag, 7. Februar 2003

NetNewsWire 1.0b16. This beta fixes just a few bugs—most notably it makes arrow key navigation more smooth with feeds that have a bunch of unread headlines. (This has been one of the most common bug reports.)

It doesn’t fix any weblog editing bugs: the next beta will focus on the weblog editor. []

Every once in a while I have to post something about CoolTool ;-)

8:09:56 PM    comment []

I want a WYSIWYG Editor in my browser!
Your Thoughts Go Here.

Ok, so let's try an experiment. If you want to give me GUI feedback on Safari, post a comment or a trackback in response to this blog entry. I will read the comments and follow all trackbacks for information about what changes/additions you'd most like to see in Safari. If you have a non-GUI request, e.g., some specific CSS flaw or DOM flaw that you feel should be really high priority, you can post here too.

[Surfin' Safari]

Everybody's asking for Tabbed Browsing, what about a cool WYSIWYG editor for this browser? Think that it would make Safari the default browser for all blog and browser-based CMS users. It has to be easy for the users. It has to be easy for the developers. Let me just add a parameter to a TEXTAREA tag, and have WYSIWYG enabled. I bet that all developers would immediately implement it.

Safari already has Spell Checking working. Now we want WYSIWYG. [Paolo Valdemarin: Paolo's Weblog]
8:07:03 PM    comment []

Your Thoughts Go Here.

Ok, so let's try an experiment. If you want to give me GUI feedback on Safari, post a comment or a trackback in response to this blog entry. I will read the comments and follow all trackbacks for information about what changes/additions you'd most like to see in Safari. If you have a non-GUI request, e.g., some specific CSS flaw or DOM flaw that you feel should be really high priority, you can post here too.

[Surfin' Safari]
First build a new browser in all secrecy, then unleash a beta onto your target audience and then use them as low-cost feedback prividers. Cool, just make the whole "thing" open source now, not just the rendering engine!

8:25:09 AM    comment []

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