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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper 10g

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November 2003
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Wednesday, November 19, 2003

A customer writes in to ask:

Imagine that we need to do something after all setXXXX for all the attributes of a Row object.That is our need. But we do not want to call this method when the based Entity in the view object is readonly. So in certain situations , we do not want to run the custom code. One of this situation is when the Entity object in the view object  was in readonly mode.

A sensible thought was to write code in the setAttributeInternal method of a custom framework extension class like this:

package demo.fwkext;
import oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl;
public class CustomViewRowImpl extends ViewRowImpl {
   * Do something custom after every attribute set in a view row
   * @param index Attribute index "slot" number in the view row
   * @param val Object value being set
  protected void setAttributeInternal(int index, Object val) {
    super.setAttributeInternal(index, val);
    // Do your thing here

The customer's first thought was to generically look at the EntityReference object (in a view object definition, there will be one EntityReference for each entity object being used by a result row in this view), which was a smart idea, but unfortunately the EntityReference object is package private to oracle.jbo.server at present, so another strategy is needed. I've filed a bug to make that object accessible in a future release, but we provide today the isAttributeUpdateable() API which would allow you to make your custom framework extension code conditional like this:

package demo.fwkext;
import oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl;
public class CustomViewRowImpl extends ViewRowImpl {
   * Conditionally do something custom after every attribute set in a view row
   * @param index Attribute index "slot" number in the view row
   * @param val Object value being set
  protected void setAttributeInternal(int index, Object val) {
    super.setAttributeInternal(index, val);
    if (isAttributeUpdateable(index)) {
      // Do your thing here

This alternative approach should work in any BC4J 9.0.2 or later to achieve the desired result.

11:50:55 AM    

© Copyright 2006 Steve Muench.