Updated: 3/28/2005; 11:20:52 AM.
Erik Neu's weblog. Focus on current news and political topics, and general-interest Information Technology topics. Some specific topics of interest: Words & Language, everyday economics, requirements engineering, extreme programming, Minnesota, bicycling, refactoring, traffic planning & analysis, Miles Davis, software useability, weblogs, nature vs. nurture, antibiotics, Social Security, tax policy, school choice, student tracking by ability, twins, short-track speed skating, table tennis, great sports stories, PBS, NPR, web search strategies, mortgage industry, mortgage-backed securities, MBTI, Myers-Briggs, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, RPI, Phi Sigma Kappa, digital video, nurtured heart.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004
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Sold my first item on eBay. It was an obsolete, but unopened, cell phone (Sanyo CDM9155SP). I got it free, and never used it, when I added my wife to my Sprint account. It was a ridiculous antique when I got it over a year ago. I'd been meaning to sell it ever since, but only finally got around to it (the inertia of one's first eBay sale).

It is simply amazing what people will buy. I wouldn't take this phone for free.

I decided to test my philosopy that auctions are annoying, and we would be better served to be more reasonable and aggressive in their Sell It Now pricing (usually the Sell It Now price is akin to the car dealers MSRP--a highball figure, just in case a sucker comes your way). So I priced it at $18, with $3.25 shipping. To my astonishment, it sold almost instantly.

11:23:05 PM    comment []
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In Visual SourceSafe (VSS), read and write privileges are set at the folder level. That is a good default, but it would be really nice if document authors could control exceptions. For instance, maybe I, as a document author, want to put a document in a well-known VSS sub-directory, because that is the write place for it to be found and read, but I want a more restrictive list of people who are allowed to edit it. It would be very nice for the doc author to be able to set such controls, mostly on an exception basis.
10:53:01 PM    comment []
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USB is A Good Thing, but there is always room for improvement. I SO wish my two digital cameras had the same use connector. That would be one less cable in the rat's nest of cables around my PC. (If they had the same kind of flash, I would solve the problem with a flash reader, but they don't.)
8:53:28 AM    comment []

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