STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:21:56 PM.




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Monday, November 10, 2003

Brothers and Sisters,


Attached to this message is a letter sent by Senators McCain and Hollings to FRA Administrator Alan Rutter making the following statement and request:


“…. because FRA only recently began collecting accident/incident information on RCLs, little data exists to judge the safety experience of this technology in the U.S.  With only anecdotal information available, at least 30 communities located near RCL operations have passed resolutions and enacted local ordinances prohibiting these operations within their communities.  These local laws are preempted by Federal law governing the safety of rail operations, but their passage is an indication of concern at the local level.  We believe a through safety audit is warranted to help determine what, if any, concerns need to be addressed to ensure public safety.”


We should all take pride in this study being demanded by the Senate Commerce – Transportation Committee.  This study was requested as a direct result of involvement of your General Committee along with the other 5 UP General Committees, many BLE State Legislative Board Chairmen,   Rather than repeat the story of how this was accomplished, I would ask that you go to and read the chronology of how this effort came together.  This campaign is the single best example of how unionism is supposed to work that I have seen in my 30 year railroad career.  It was headed by a coalition of the 6 UP General Committees joined by various State Legislative Boards and other General Committees across the country and powered by active local Divisions with a desire to make something happen.   It involved cost sharing of expenses between everyone including the BLE ID, NAR Foundation, General Committees, State Legislative Boards and many others.  While each group’s contribution in itself was substantial, by pooling our resources we were able to reach goals and objectives that would not have been attainable by any one individual entity.  Just as I am sure there were difficulties in coordinating the Allied invasion of Europe on D Day, we had our hurdles to leap and rivers to forge.  Through those disagreements and troubles, everyone managed to “keep their eye on the prize”.  We should all be proud.  From the Brothers and Sisters and their family members that took the time from their busy schedules to protest and pass out information on remote technology during our demonstrations, to the member who wanted to be there but was required to work, to the members who gave presentations at city council meetings requesting the remote control bans, we should all be proud and stand tall.  Through our collective efforts, we have altered the course of remote implementation.   I assure you, the Carriers did not want this study to take place.  You and your Union have made a difference in the outcome of this implementation of remote technology.  You and your Union have successfully insured that a through study will be done evaluating the safety of RCL technology.   Because of the actions of your Union Leaders and our membership, safety will be improved for all railroad employees and the general public.  Please take a moment and take pride in that accomplishment. 


However, understand the battle over this issue has just begun.  Now that the study has been commissioned, it is imperative that we provide our Washington DC Office with all details possible regarding every remote related incident to insure a fair unbiased report.   The more information we possess the better position we will be in to ensure an unbiased study.  That is why we are asking everyone to keep their ear to the rail regarding any remote incidents.  It is obvious that the railroads have committed financial resources to this implementation.  The managers responsible for selling this technology to upper management will lie, cheat and steal to make their numbers look good.  Information from the field is the only way we have of insuring that the real truth regarding the safety and productivity of RCL technology reaches the light of day.  Once again, your leadership is asking for your help.  Your involvement is more crucial and more powerful than any other element of this campaign.  You will make the difference in success or failure.  Many of you have provided valuable information in the past.  I want to personally thank you for that but we have to step up our efforts.  We need photos, records, car numbers, engine numbers, crew member’s names, dates, times and locations along with detailed information regarding how the incidents happened.    Reporting forms and information have been distributed and are attached to this message for your use. 


Brothers and Sisters, take pride in your accomplishment.  Together, we have made a positive impact on the safety of all rail employees and the general public.





Gil Gore

General Chairman

BLE UP Southern Region

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