STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:23:23 PM.




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Sunday, November 23, 2003

In a recent letter Mr. James M. Brunkenhoefer of the UTU wrote, "You see the BLE produces a lot of rhetoric, they have bullhorns, they have rallies and they have a wonderful group of well-meaning ladies based out of St. Louis known as REQUEST. They pass around a lot of petitions and they haven't changed a damn thing."
We can only emphasize once again to all railroad employees, the importance of building alliances and presenting a united front. 
Undanted by such statements, last week another wife of a UTU member was present at her husband's investigation of absenteeism.  As always, this wife did her homework and was prepared with documentation to support her husband's work record... that even the attending union representatives did not have.  She was able to get into the record, ONCE AGAIN that Union Pacific does not have any policy that requires any employee to work 92% of the time.  They cannot produce any written documentation.  And understand, this woman, like all RRESQ women, went to support the Union Representatives, not to work against them. 
In addition this woman took the time to document the record of harassment by a UP officer against her husband.  This harassment has taken on a personal note and is riddled with unprofessional behavior by this UP officer.  Her unbiased and proficient manner of presenting the facts in a letter addressed to the UP officer's superior enabled her husband to avoid another unwarranted investigation.
Are we turning the railroad industry upside down.  Of course not.  But rest assurd we are out there working for fair and equitable treatment one person at a time, one service unit at a time, one Congressman at a time...people don't get involved until something strikes them personally.  When they realize they CAN make a difference it really lifts their spirit and will to fight.
Inspite of feelings about RRESQ within the BLE and UTU by some leaders in Cleveland, we have been extremely successful working with both Union representatives at the local level.    And we intend to continue to participate whenever and wherever we can to defend the rights of all Railroad employees.

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