STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
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Tuesday, November 18, 2003

UTU Local Chairman responds to Brother Webb's letter being posted on RRESQ site:
The Original Email:
Please pass the word,
And the response:
I don't think so. While your motives are pure, your letter is being used not to gain support for wage increases but instead is being used to belittle the UTU, While I agree that there are problems that need to be addressed in our Union, I don't believe that financially crippling the General Committee is the solution.
Take a good look at the RRESQ Web Site and you will see that there is a distinct Pro BLE overtone to it. The bulk of the site deals with Remote Controls and how they should be banned. This is a BLE sentiment and issue and it is getting the hard sell at this site.
Take a look at the article on the UTU Local Chairman who supposedly signed off on an absenteeism settlement. Detect any anti-UTU sentiments there as well?
Your letter was placed on this site not to show it's merits but to garner support for more defections to the BLE. I for one will not be forwarding this to anyone.
Dan Martin
Local Chairman
Legislative Representative
Local 1846, West Colton

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Nov. 17, 2003, 12:41AM
Area briefs

More indictments against union officials
A federal grand jury has brought more indictments against two officials of the nation's largest railroad operating union. Byron Alfred Boyd Jr., 57, of Seattle, international president of the United Transportation Union, was indicted on 10 more counts of embezzlement and two counts of witness tampering. Retired President Charles Leonard Little, 69, of Leander was accused of seven more counts of embezzlement.
Boyd; Little; John Russell Rookard, 57, of Olalla, Wash., Boyd's assistant; and Ralph John Dennis, 51, of Boone, Iowa, former union director of insurance, were accused in September of seeking bribes from attorneys in return for access to union workers injured on the job.
Dennis pleaded guilty last month. The other three are free on $100,000 bail.

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