STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:32:20 PM.




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Friday, April 02, 2004

Roger Griffeth drafts another letter to Cleveland:

This time he is bringing VP Hakey up on charges for violating his oath of office under Article 41 of the UTU Constitution.wherein he pledges:

"to so conduct myself at all times as not to bring reproach upon my union and at all times bear true and faithful allegiance to the United Transportation Union."

Roger charges:

I allege that Brother Hakey directed illegal campaign contributions from employers to finance various clandestine operations designed to conceal from the membership, and the U.S. Government, reportable financial transactions that could have affected the outcome of the 1995 election for International officers, specifically the office of International President.


In keeping with the provisions of Article 25, this will serve as advance notice to all parties that I have secured the cooperation of Brother Jack Arnold, who will testify in the manner described under Article 25. Brother Arnold has agreed to provide the Executive Board with full and factual details regarding a number of meetings at which Brother Hakey personally directed the financial resources of employers to conduct meetings at various locations within the United States. Brother Arnold’s verbal testimony will support the allegations of my charge. In addition to Brother Arnold, I reserve the right to call other witnesses as needed.

And surprisingly, the "official" UTU website is reporting it at

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