STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:33:09 PM.




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Thursday, April 15, 2004

Seems UTU has trimmed the DLC roles to a lean 19. Out of 50 plus lawfirms these are the only ones who would sign the "oath" that they had not collaborated with the ENTERPRISE. That leaves 30 plus who were either participants or refused to play this game. A reliable source informs us that a next round of indictments is coming soon. This will involve International VPs and General Chairmen. How much more of this can the UTU take? Will it survive? Will FELA survive? Depends pretty much on you guys. Join MAC at www.reformit2004 .org

19 DLC attest compliance with ethics guidelines

CLEVELAND -- Numerous attorneys who held United Transportation Union designated legal counsel (DLC) status were removed from the "recommended" list after they resigned and/or failed to attest to the fact that neither they, nor any member of their firms, violated the UTU's Rules of Conduct for DLC by making cash payments to any of four defendants who pled guilty in criminal proceedings in Houston, Texas.

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Former officer charges UTU International president
CLEVELAND -- Former UTU General Secretary and Treasurer Roger Griffeth has filed formal charges, under Article 25 of the UTU Constitution, against UTU International President Paul C. Thompson.

A determination will be made by the UTU Executive Board whether to accept and hear the charges. When that decision is made, it will be posted on the UTU website. If the accused responds to the charges under provisions of Article 25, that response also will be posted on the UTU website.

The letter sent by Griffeth to the Executive Board may be read by clicking this link.

April 15, 2004

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