STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:34:12 PM.




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Sunday, May 02, 2004

IBT Ethics Oversite breaks down. Teamsters for a Democratic Union continues to promote Reform. What would happen if the Reformists in TDU, MAC, and BLET ever got together?

Ed Stier & Entire RISE Staff Resign

    Says “Organized crime again threatens the union”
    Says Hoffa obstructed organized crime investigation of Hoffa allies.

“In spite of our efforts to convince General President Jim Hoffa to remain committed to fighting corruption, I have concluded that he has backed away from the Teamsters’ anti-corruption plan in the face of pressure from a few self-interested individuals. Because the General President plays such a critical role in enforcing standards of conduct within the union, my position has now become untenable.  I can no longer permit my presence in the union to act as an endorsement of his sincerity.”--Ed Stier, Head of RISE, the IBT’s anti-corruption program, in his April 28 letter of resignation to the General Executive Board

“Hoffa wanted Stier for PR purposes but when Project RISE wanted to act against corruption that struck close to home, Hoffa pulled the plug. We said all along that the test of Project RISE or any anti-corruption program was whether the General President would act against corruption even when that corruption implicates top officials or political associates. Hoffa failed that test.” --Tom Leedham, Secretary Treasurer of Oregon Local 206, commenting on the collapse of Hoffa’s anti-corruption program and the revelations in Stier’s letter

Clike Here: TDU’s press release
Click Here:
full text of the letter
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