STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:36:27 PM.




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Wednesday, May 19, 2004

The MAC Caucus (Members Against Corruption) of the UTU has sent out its first mailing to the Delegates. It is described as a "Reader's Digest" account of the events and activities that led up to the guilty pleas of 5 UTU high officers and employees, including former International Presidents Little and Boyd. Sentencing is scheduled for June 10, 2004. Many of us are expecting, shortly after this sentencing, more indictments that may involve International Vice Presidents and perhaps some General Chairmen. Despite the urging by the current UTU administration to remain calm and let the healing begin, there is no indication that they have any intention to work pro-actively to remove remaining criminals and to correct the institutional weaknesses that got us into this mess. If you think there is still work to be done please consider joining MAC.

Read the MAC Delegate mailing at


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