
Sexy Magick

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a kiss :-* upon the secret winds of Isis Wynn


Artwork © Jessica Galbreth www.enchanted-art.com




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Sunday, September 21, 2008

what did someone tell me..oh yea, the highlight of her day was bouncing on a bouncy ball.

You know the highlight of my day, opening the mail and realizing they took my economic stimulus check against my tax bill

6:49:17 PM    comment [] trackback []

avoiding working or trying to catch up on thoughts, catching up on thoughts sounds better.

UPS - The other day I went to the UPS store to sent out a package, I have a UPS account and usually I just drop off packages for the UPS driver to pick up, normally I go to the one in Concord - much nicer people but I was in Pleasant Hill and needed a box too for a package, I had the label all printed out, just needed a box - I was paying for the box but the guy was all snotty about if I had used his store for the label and packaging - I would be helping to promote small businesses in the area. I tried to tell him, I was a small business too and I was helping both of us out by getting the box from him and using my resources for my business. WTF? He didn't seem to care he was pissing off a small business who will never use his store again to drop off packages and/or buy boxes from again.

AIG - why the hell are we bailing out a business? - is that what my tax dollars are paying for? What about healthcare or education? And exactly what kind of accounting is going on there if they didn't realize they were in trouble when they started donating thousands of dollars to political campaigns, why do McCain and Obama need their money anyways? What happened to the concept of campaigning based on their beliefs, is it all about the money now? AIG's logo is "The Strength to Be There" too funny.  But still why the hell are we bailing out a business like AIG - aren't they insurance carriers? Why are they sooo important to the government. I agree someone should regulate all these huge businesses going under but I thought that was why everything had to be Sarbanes Oxley compliant now since all those other big businesses went under, oh, I just read in more detail what that meant - just how long records are kept and where, ok, so maybe another act needs to be put into place about accounting - like if you're getting close to have no money, stop buying and donating. I don't know specs but as a bookkeeper, I have to keep on the money for clients and let them know if they are going under or where to stop spending (not that they listen to me on the spending), so what the hell where AIG's accounting people doing?

State of California - how hard is it to figure out a budget? and what is with this notice I got, if I don't pay my income tax in full within 30 days of the notice, they will put a property lien on my house? What happened to payments? Oh yea, they need the money because they can't figure out a budget.

Exercise Ball as a seat - interesting concept. I have a bad back and my new doctor said I should sit on a exercise ball instead of a chair since i sit all day. Ok, so interesting concept except I can't get up, I'm stuck to the vinyl..lol

6:42:41 PM    comment [] trackback []

I've been playing with wordpress and a gallery feature for a client, anyways, more pictures can be found here for awhile


3:51:07 PM    comment [] trackback []

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Last update: 10/2/2008; 12:00:02 AM.

Artwork © Jessica Galbreth www.enchanted-art.com
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