Rhonda is gonda

Last Thursday we sold the most reliable car we have ever had. When we bought it back in 1997 we named it Rhonda, short for "our Honda." Back then we needed a family car. This sale is the result of a change of family demographics and the purchase of our 2004 Accord (still unnamed) last December. Rhonda served us (and me) well. It was a great family car. After Susie started driving Zippy, the 1999 Integra all the time, Rhonda basically became my car. When we needed a car to go somewhere as a family we took Rhonda.
But, the need for a family car has passed for us and we didn't need three cars (plus Kenneth's.) After we bought the new Accord we put the Integra up for sale, but it didn't sell. Meanwhile I started driving Zippy the Integra and really got to enjoy it. With Kenneth turning 18 soon the need for a four door car diminished. So, we put both the Integra and the Accord up for sale with the intention to sell either one and keep the other. The Accord sold with the second ad. So, I am driving Zippy.
When the new owner turned the ignition on in Rhonda her "check engine" light came on. It had never come on for me. This was a Rhonda first. We took the car to Jeff and he quickly fixed the problem. This was the most trouble this car has ever given us.
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