On top of the hill, again

First time up Hicks since accident For the first time since I crashed and broke three ribs in April I rode my bike to the top of Hicks. I did this on Saturday on the final ride of the summer Whine and Dine Mellow-Mellow Ride 2004 series. It was like a graduation ride and I felt good climbing the hill. It helped that I am now 18 pounds lighter than I was!
"The Tie That Binds" Book Review --- I just finished and really enjoyed reading this book by Kent Haruf. It is the third of his books that I have read. The others are "Plainsong" and "Where You Once Belonged." He has a fourth, "Eventide" which I hope to read soon.
To me his books are very reminiscent of the writing of Larry McMurtry. Like McMurtry his characters are very human, capable of good and bad and of doing very stupid things. Nobody is black or white, like all the real people his characters are full of different colors and posses a very human and believable spectrum of strengths and weaknesses that make them absolutely endearing. I love his books and cannot recommend them too much.
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