Thursday, September 9, 2004
Sad eyes that don't understand

I remember after Candy, my first wife, was killed in the car accident how our dog Reno waited by the door for the sound of her returning home. To him the concept of her not returning was beyond comprehension. To us the sense of finality is all too real. No matter what awaits us "beyond" the reality is, when we leave this world we are never coming back. In a sense we are all terminal and we all face an end either known or unknown. Candy's death was sudden and totally unexpected. My sister's cancer on the other hand is an impending end with an opportunity to say goodbye. This is a painful luxury afforded to us with the ability to comprehend it. I wonder what the reality is for those who don't? I have seen animals worry over their masters and their own. I wonder what they think when they see those they love wither? I wonder what they know?
9:33:32 AM
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Last update: 10/3/04; 11:08:59 PM.