Random Thoughts

This time of year This time has had a weird astrological convergence for me. There is an amazing number of friends and significant people in my life who have had birthdays at right about this time. Candy was born on September 3rd, our anniversary was September 4th (we eloped the day after she turned 18.) Jeff and Nicole and the Chauncy's have anniversaries about now, my sister Carol's birthday and many other friends birthdays are clustered around now. Of course this may be coincidence. But, it is kinda weird.
We went to the beach It is labor day weekend and Sunday was the first time we went to the beach this year! That says a lot about what a crazy year this has been! We had a great time despite us both getting sunburns and my being knocked off a rock and beaten against it by a wave. Oh well, I am a bit beat up but I survived! Yesterday we had a great visit with the Chauncys and then went to Fran's house for dinner. The city she used to live in before coming to California (West Palm Beach, Florida) was hit pretty hard by the recent Hurricane Frances.
Otherwise all is well
Shadow seems to be improving. He is eating a lot and filling in slowly. Sue is taking him to the vet for more tests on Thursday. Kenneth is starting a volunteer position with San Jose Public Library. He will be working right here at SJSU. Baby update Nicole reports that things are looking good for the baby. She is 50% effaced and Nicole's cervix is thinning. The baby is head down and she is getting ready to make her grand entrance! |