Med Rib

August 2003
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 05 August 2003

I thought it was baby sleep apnoea.

Cot death babies 'dreaming of womb' "Some babies who die from cot death may have stopped breathing because they are dreaming about being back in the womb, says a new theory.

A new book from Australian brain researcher George Cristos says that the dream may be so convincing that the baby's body functions revert to a pre-birth state.

In the womb, a baby is suspended in fluid and all its oxygen is supplied from the mother - there is no need for the baby to breathe.  However, cot death experts in the UK say they are "not aware" of any evidence pointing to this as a cause.

The rate of cot death has plummeted in many countries following the introduction of safety advice for parents, including the need to lay babies on their backs to sleep.

However, in approximately half of all sudden infant deaths, the cause of death has yet to be uncovered.

Early threat

The majority of cot deaths occur before the baby is six months old.   There are many theories as to why these babies may be vulnerable. ..."

It really is silly season.  Perhaps we are too comfortable here.  A system of apartheid is being set up in Israel and it barely gets a mention.

12:48:39 PM    

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