Med Rib

July 2003
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 31 July 2003

A Heartfelt Story:
Cardiology Program Hopes to Reduce Prevalence
of Native American Heart Disease.


"Fifteen years ago, when cardiologist James Galloway, M.D., started working on the Hopi reservation, he was told not to bother performing EKGs on patients with chest pain because coronary artery disease among Native Americans was virtually non-existent.

Today, the prevalence of coronary artery disease is growing exponentially among Native Americans, even though the rate of coronary mortality is on a steady decline in the general U.S. population.

Women in some tribes have suffered heart attacks as early as age 35. Dietary changes away from traditional habits have fostered a widespread growth in obesity, and a related epidemic of diabetes contributes to the increased risk. The result, Dr. Galloway says, is a dramatic increase in ischemic cardiovascular disease among this population.

In response, Dr. Galloway and colleagues offer assistance through the Native American Cardiology Program, a unique collaborative effort bringing together the Indian Health Service, the University of Arizona College of Medicine, University Medical Center, the Flagstaff Medical Center, and the Southern Arizona Veterans Affairs Health Care System.

Started in 1993 by Dr. Galloway and Edith A. Pacheco, R.N., the program now includes four physicians and many other staff members _ from a Navajo social support worker to a Cherokee traditional healer. The physicians and nurses treat patients at UMC and spend one week each month conducting clinics on reservations throughout Arizona, Nevada and Utah ..."

A lot could be learnt from this.

6:52:25 PM    

Not all that is red...

The practice nurse informed me of this.  None of the doctors I spoke to were aware of it.  There are only 2 kinds of red wine that are good for you, i.e. lowers cholesterol. These are Bordeaux and Chilean Red.  They're the only ones with flavonoids in sufficient quantities to give any real effect. The amounts found in other publicised products, such as tea, apples, chocolate (shame that) are negligible.

4:42:57 PM    

Chest X-Rays


4:39:42 PM    

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