Med Rib

July 2003
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 08 July 2003

Ovualtion and that damned graph.

A delicate subject, OBGYN.  The butt of  many a surgeon's joke, practitioners in this field have an especially emotional job.  In this modern world of beeping monitors, fancy scanners and let's not forget pain relief (that should come first actually) the 'apres' business of getting pregnant remains largely a mystery and seemingly down to chance.  If it weren't IVF would be far more successful.  We know the mechanics, seen the video and there are lots of pretty tables of cycles, sperm counts, luteal phases and frankly hilarious diagrams.  

Saskatchewan researchers rewrite the textbook on human menstrual cycle.  This explains a lot.  It's not at all icky, I promise.

5:30:47 PM    

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