Saturday, 26 February 2005

I am a DragonSlayer!

I took the second part of test. Interesting. Makes me want to read the book, which is obviously the point of the test!

Frank, here are your full results from the Kingdomality RQ Dragon Test

Kingdomality Type:
Prime Ministers in the Kingdom (Medieval or Modern)
Prime Ministers are goal oriented and competitive.  They are sometimes seen as uncaring and even confrontative.  They are creative problem solvers who enjoy all manner of challenges.  Prime Ministers view people as ³with them or against them.²  They see no middle ground.  ³Lead, follow, or get out of the way,² pretty much sums up how Prime Ministers respond to others.

Dragons in the medieval kingdom seem to have their modern counterparts. How resilient would you have been then or now, and which Dragons appear to be most troublesome?

Hostility Results:
These Dragons are under control ...
A score in this area indicates a healthy awareness of environment and self as well as a positive involvement with life and its give and take.

Busy-Busy Results:
These Dragons are under control ...
A score in this area indicates a healthy awareness of environment and self as well as a positive involvement with life and its give and take.

Withdrawal Results:
These Dragons are under control ...
A score in this area indicates a healthy awareness of environment and self as well as a positive involvement with life and its give and take.

Resiliency Results:
RESILIENT - You are a Dragon Master!
Stress is managed exceptionally well and this very healthy individual is able to bounce back from almost every situation.

[listening to: Love at First Sight - Kylie Minogue ]
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Me a Prime Minister?

I took the test that Mitch Denny pointed to recently.

I was surprised with the result. I didn't expect to come out with this rating.

our distinct personality, The Prime Minister might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. You are a strategist who pursues the most efficient and logical path toward the realization of the goal that you perceive or visualize. You will often only associate with those people who can assist you in the implementation of your plan. Inept assistants may be immediately discarded as excess baggage. To do otherwise could be seen as inefficient and illogical. On the positive side, you can be rationally idealistic and analytically ideological. You can be a bold decision maker and risk taker who can move society ahead by years instead of minutes. On the negative side, you may be unmerciful, impatient, impetuous and impulsive. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.

Click here to do the test yourself.

[listening to: Never Too Late - Kylie Minogue ]
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