Sunday, 22 January 2006

Much Ado about Lamb

We Love Our Lamb on Australia Day 

Last year, there was a huge kerfufal around a clever ad campaign for lamb. 

This year there is a new ad and a lot more kerfufal, includng a vote by the Australian Standards Bureau

Some people really have no sense of humour - how unaustralian! I know that we will be eating lamb on Australia Day.

[listening to: lamb - madonna ]
5:26:43 PM    comment []  trackback []  G!   • TV
Talking Boony : VB Series Game 5

I'm off to see Elvis Costello & Stevie Nieve at the State Theater, and I'm not allowed to take Talking Boony to the concert.

time (aest) Talking Boony Said...
1:30pm get me a vb the crickets about to start
4:30pm when's the drinks break
4:35pm cracking shoot
5:15pm got any nachos? i love nachos

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[listening to: Jump - Madonna ]
4:38:18 PM    comment []  trackback []  G!   • GeekTV