Wednesday, November 05, 2003 | |
Did Bush et al Lie about Iraq? I've seen and heard this claim a lot: "He knew all along there were no WMD", "They just lied to us." I'm not a Bush supporter particularly, but I have not been able to believe that. These are very smart, very experienced people they may very well be wrong, and likely have been shown to have taken a calculated risk which grandly didn't work out, but I don't believe that they lied. NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF has an Op-Ed piece that rings true to me on how we ended up in this mess. 7:45:35 AM > trackback [] comment [] |
Ballpoints in Space. When I was a kid, one of the cool gifts was a 'space ballpoint pen', one supposedly designed to work in space, because, supposedly a regular ballpoint pen would not. I guess that sort of makes sense. Well, that fact has now been debunked by an ESA astronaut who wrote: "I am writing these notes in the Soyuz with a cheap ballpoint pen..." Debunked! 7:38:12 AM > trackback [] comment [] |