Thursday, October 09, 2003

I'm sorry! I haven't been "feeding the monster", to use Al Bonnyman's words, but I have a great reason for not blogging since the end of September...

We're getting ready to publish our first research paper, The Public Cost of Increased Commuting in Northern Virginia - An Economic Analysis of Highways, Metrorail, and Congestion Tolls by Professor Anthony Yezer of George Washington University's Center for Economic Research. The study looks at three commonly cited means of increasing our commuting capacity as a means to answer the basic question, what does it cost the public to get one more commuter to work? (think: tax money) The conservative answer is $2800 per year! (So now that you know the punchline, and you can wait for the movie version, right?)

Preview copies are being circulated now while we wrap up the graphics for the final version. We'll publish this on the Telework Website, and of course I'll blog it here. If you just can't wait, send an email to the Telework Consortium and ask for a preview copy.

The obvious follow on question is: why did the Telework Consortium sponsor this research? I'll tell you why in my next blog (today's motto: always leave them wanting more!). There's a provocative explanation embedded in the answer!

ALSO we're getting ready to publish an update to the Tools Guide, with 13 additional collaborative tools. 13's my lucky number!


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