Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Monday's Washington Post article was followed up by an online discussion hosted by Gil Gordon, Telecommuting Consultant, Gil Gordon Associates. The transcript, Transportation: Telecommuting is a question-and-answer on the effects of telecommuting on the employee, the employer and traffic and transportation.

The themes discussed were familiar (how do I get started? what tips do you have for making it work? etc.), and Gil Gordon's honest and direct answers were right on the money in today's telework landscape.

The last comment of the discussion was:

"Washington, D.C.: For those interested in telework initiatives in the region, including information about telework centers and incentive programs, please have them contact me at or 202-962-3286. Thanks! Danette Campbell, Telework Resource Center Manager, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

"Gil Gordon: Thanks for coming to my rescue, Danette. Everyone out there should realize you have a true telework pro and advocate in your midst. Take her up on her offer! "

So We Did. Actually, we had previously scheduled a meeting and tour of the Telework Lab with Danette Campbell after meeting her at a recent MATAC conference where John Starke presented. I can tell you the questions and answers I heard today went far beyond the familiar themes of teleworking today to how things could change with the use of virtual presence.

One last thing - Gil was completely right about Danette as well, she's "a true telework pro and advocate" and was a pleasure to meet. 

6:43:31 PM    
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