Jon Box's Weblog


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  Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Sometimes I hear people talk about RSS likes it requires all sorts of software and it must be "rocket science".  Almost any website should be able to apply RSS, especially those who have internal content mechanisms.  If you struggle with this, there is information galore on the topic.  If you know SQL Server (or really any database), here is an article to show how to do this from SQL Server.
11:07:59 PM    comment []

I always hear a lot about how RFID will save the world.  But, this is news to me.,1759,1628696,00.asp

"The RFDump software allows a user equipped with an RFID reader, a laptop or PDA, and a power supply to rewrite the data stored in ISO 15693 tags, the most common tags used to host the EPC (Electronic Product Code) information traditionally stored in bar codes."

The assumption is that the military will have the budget to buy tamperproof tags. But not so for retailers and manufacturers, who will likely try to scrimp, Grunwald said. The most common EPC tags store the item information in cleartext inside the tag, and allow rewriting of the data. Each tag sits idle until powered on by the RF energy emitted from the gate, and can then be read."

Watch out, Walmart!

10:49:43 PM    comment []

SYS-CON Media is inviting BEA, Borland, IBM, JBoss, JOnAS, Macromedia, Microsoft, Oracle, Orion, Sun, and Sybase to an "Application Server Shoot-Out" at the upcoming Web Services Edge Conference & Expo, in Boston next February. The shootout will be a live competition aimed at finding out which app servers support the latest WS-I standards and how they compare in terms of how many transactions they can handle, how many lines of code they require, how they react to simulated network and hardware failures and a whole range of other metrics.

If done right, this could be an awesome event!

"I predict a bloodbath," said Derek Ferguson, editor-in-chief of SYS-CON's .NET Developer's Journal. "Once the J2EE developers see how much more productive they can be on the .NET platform, I am sure they will all decide to run their next application on Microsoft's platform!"

10:34:53 PM    comment []

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