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  Friday, July 25, 2003


There's a certain type of post that I wish I had time to make more often, because I think it's an effective and entertaining technique. If it's done well, it makes for the kind of story that people can't stop talking about. Unfortunately, if it's done badly, it's boring and stupid.

Here's how it works: describe a seemingly unimportant event in your life as the opener, claim that it relates to a fairly broad and (seemingly unrelated) topical issue, and then describe a logical progression of thoughts and/or events that links the two in a reasonably amusing or engaging manner.

My prose is a little ham-fisted and un-conversational for this to be my strong suit. That, and I'm more of a quick-hitter than a long-story-teller. But I still recognize it when I see it somewhere else, and when it clicks clockwork-smooth, I slip into drooling fan-boy mode.

As now.

Via CotV #44, Joe at Attaboy connects new speakers for his truck with PC brown-shirtliness.


[slow, spreading smile] ...It's a long story... and a damn fine one. Go take a peek.


posted by Harvey at 10:43:38 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Via CotV #44, Jeff at Caerdroia (honorable host of CotV #43) says nice things about the Declaration of Independence, noting that life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness were listed as being "among" man's rights. He then gives a spot-on list of the amongs.

Reading it really gave me that tri-cornered hat, fife & drum feeling. I found myself nodding & saying things to myself like, "yup, uh-huh, mmm-hmm, damn right!, they really should've put THAT one in writing, too" and so forth.

Get your Yankee Doodle on & check it out for yourself.


posted by Harvey at 10:21:15 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME



I've been saying for years that the Middle East needs to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century to join the rest of the civilized world. But I've had my doubts as to whether it was possible, considering that the region is weighed down by the 20-ton battleship anchor of primitive Islamic beliefs.


Via the CotV #44, I've discovered hope at Graham Lester's place. He discusses how Christianity's brutal early factions (Catholics and Protestants), as well as Judaism, while blackened by centuries of cruel bloodshed, eventually embraced their kindness ethic, and did away with their need to impose revealed truth by the sword. My favorite part:




"The debate between truth and kindness was not solved by each side slamming down quotations as if they were cards in a game of snap. It was solved over time through experience and reflection. There is no reason to suppose that Islam will not take a similar course to Judaism and Christianity or that there will not come a time soon enough when the distinction between Christian, Jew, and Moslem is entirely a matter of theology".




I don't know about the "soon enough" part, but he makes good arguments that the first steps in positive Islamic reform have already been taken.


A highly recommended read.


posted by Harvey at 9:59:52 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME



Down in Alabama, they put on a play called "Day of Absence", during part of which black actors put on "white-face" make-up.


Personally, I think that's almost as funny as the "Fightin' Whites" logo.


But I also feel that it's deeply wrong. Actors should never be allowed to use make-up to change their appearance. That's like lying. There should be a congressional investigation to see if anyone was deceived by this play. What kind of country would this be if we couldn't trust actors to tell the truth?


They should've gotten Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins to star in this production. At least they're honest.


posted by Harvey at 9:55:52 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Sarge has an excellent post on who the folks in the military really are. They are not the shining heroes the Right makes them out to be. They are not the villians the Left forever casts them as. They are just good Americans trying to do a hard job.

The beating heart of the piece:


We came from somewhere. We came from you. Everything that you are, we are. Every quality and value found in American society is present here as well. We're thieves, liars, bigots, idiots, bullies, racists, rats, sneaks, backstabbers, hypocrites and ignorant fucktards. We're also helpers, workers, gardeners, readers, lovers, builders, do-gooders, fixers and philanthropists. Each one of us, just like you, has a full range of emotions and an entire spectrum of qualities and characteristics, both good and bad. They help define what we are like and no single attribute (or a set of related attributes) defines who and what we are. The great secret, that no one seems able to comprehend, is that we are just a bunch of people trying to get by the best we can.


Reminds me a bit of Shylock's "I am a Jew" speech [see quote #5, no direct link available], except not written in Elizabethan thou-speak.

If you liked the heart, go check out the liver, spleen, kidneys & other vital organs.


posted by Harvey at 9:40:21 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


Official Catholic Priest Hush Money

posted by Harvey at 9:24:37 PM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME


The group C answers are up at Frank's place, as well as the group D question. My prediction is that the ultimate winner is going to come from group C. There's some solid comedic talent in that bunch.

Anyway, the Group D question:

"In 200 words or less, describe the best way to kill a Communist."



posted by Harvey at 6:46:49 AM  permalink    Crappy Broken Radio Comments (do not use) [] trackback []  HOME

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