Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 6/26/2006; 9:20:03 PM.


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Engrish doesn't get any better than this!



Major breakthrough reached between Government of Japan and Okinawan city of Nago to relocate USMC Funtenma runways.


DPRK Nuke Talks to Resume Unofficially in Tokyo (VOA). Updated
North Korea's top nuclear negotiator and other high-ranking officials from the communist state have arrived in Japan for a rare visit.


Japan to beef up stock exchange. [BBC]

Japan is to improve its biggest stock exchange to make it technically more resilient and entice more foreign investors.


DPJ selects long-time governing party stalwart, Ichiro Ozawa, known for being unsmiling and arrogant, to lead opposition force.


Former English teacher in Japan named AP national writer.


Hunt for karate legend goes cold. [BBC]

Three Singaporeans on a mission to find a "karate legend" are rescued from a Japanese mountainside.


No Bases Deal Announced After USA-Japan Talks (AP).

The U.S. and Japan met for two days this week, but announced no agreement on a broad plan to realign American troops there, and split the $10 billion cost of redeploying some 7,000 Marines from Okinawa to Guam.


Fallen lobbyist's Guamties unresolved. [Pacific Daily News]

Unlike the unraveling in the nation's capital of prominent people and connections associated with fallen lobbyist Jack Abramoff, the federal investigation into Abramoff's Guam involvement has been left unexplained, almost four years after the probe began.


DPRK Slams Japan for Islet Claim (AP).

North Korea lashes out at Japan for laying claim to a group of islets held by South Korea.


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