Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 6/26/2006; 9:21:45 PM.


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Engrish doesn't get any better than this!



Japanese WW2 soldier returns home after 63 years (Reuters).

A former Japanese World War Two soldier who recently turned up living in Ukraine set foot in his motherland today for the first time in more than six decades for emotional reunions with surviving relatives.


Air Saipan proponents go 'strangely quiet' (Saipan Tribune).

A company that introduced itself as "Air Saipan" and promised to do direct flights between Saipan and Japan and other key markets-has gone strangely quiet.


Japan and South Korea moving closer to their first violent clash in 52 years over Takeshima (Dokdo) islets.


ROK-Hyundai. [BBC ]

Car maker Hyundai agrees to donate $1 billion worth of assets to charity after being caught up in a corruption inquiry.


South Korea on "high alert" -- vows to take all measures to defend islet if Japan Coast Guard ventures into disputed waters.


Japan ignores South Korean warning and dispatches survey ship to water around disputed islet of Takeshima (Dokdo).


Yokosuka could accept USN nuclear carrier (AFP).

This photo released by the US Navy in 2004 shows a sailor's relative waving goodbye to the aircraft carrier USS George Washington. A Japanese mayor says he may drop objections to his city hosting the first US nuclear-powered warship to be based in Japan after Washington offered safety assurances.(AFP/US Navy-HO/File)A Japanese mayor says he may drop objections to his city hosting the first U.S. nuclear-powered warship to be based in Japan after Washington offered safety assurances.


Coalition of Japanese activists vow to fight realignment plan of U.S. military bases in Japan.


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