Nippon Goro Goro : Rumblings from Japan and, occasionally, other parts of NE Asia & the NW Pacific Ocean region.
Updated: 6/1/2006; 12:33:06 AM.


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Annan Wants Iran, DPRK Nuke 'Crises' Resolved. [VOA]

U.N. secretary-general, in Tokyo, calls on both Iran and North Korea to return to international negotiations to resolve nuclear concerns. Japan's Emperor also tells Kofi Annan he is concerned, as well.


Mt Fuji's dangerous beauty. [Radio Australia]

It might be one of the most recognizable images of Japan but it could also be deadly. There are fears that Japan's highest mountain, Mount Fuji, could be planning a return to its volcanic past. While scientists say it's difficult to say when, they do agree that Fuji-san may be nearing a peak in its volcanic cycle which could mean an eruption, either next year, in three decades' time, or a 100 years' time.


Japan-Cyberleak (Asahi)

Sensitive documents on USN-MSDF exercise leaked on the internet.


The U.N.'s racism specialist urges Japan to adopt anti-discrimination legislation.


Japan, China still trying to bridge gap over East China Sea gas dispute.


Japan sees jump in bankruptcies. [BBC]

Japanese bankruptcies rose in April as the world's second-largest economy tries to keep on the road to recovery.


Korean military talks flounder over agenda (AFP).

South Korean Army Colonel Moon Sung-Mook, seen here in 2004. Military talks between North and South Korea bogged down over whether to include discussions on redrawing a disputed maritime border and on resuming rail links, officials said.(AFP/POOL/File)Military talks between North and South Korea bog down over whether to include discussions on redrawing a disputed maritime border and on resuming rail links.


Asia/Pacific-Tsunami Test (Reuters).

Tsunami warning test reveals glitches.


Japan passes fingerprinting law. [BBC]

Japan's parliament approves controversial plans to fingerprint and photograph foreign visitors.


Oldest Man Ever Reportedly Scales Everest (AP).

A mountaineering company claims that a 70-year-old Japanese man on one of its expeditions has become the oldest person to scale Mount Everest, edging the record-holder by three days.


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