Another windy day! I was 'wind-watching' all day, out the window at work. When I left, at around 3.30, there seemed to be no wind at all. But, it was just a lull as it changed direction to become a crisp, stong northerly by the time I got to the beach. Perfect! The tide was just low enough to allow a nice run up and down the beach. Even better still, there was hardly any people around so lots of room for speed. My previous personal best was 52.5kph in the kite buggy, and I did that here during the winter in almost exactly the same conditions. Too much wind to fly 3 excaliburs today but I went with a 2-stack instead. After 3 or 4 lengths of the shortish (1 or 2 km) beach I had a new top speed of 63kmh! I glad I bought that buggy helmet now.
Heres a video of me scudding, (thats being dragged through the sand like a barefoot water-skier by really big, loud, kites >:D ) with the two kites, just before taking off in the buggy to break my record! As you can see, there was plenty of power.
I still can't wipe the grin of my face! 8D
9:50:36 PM