There's a horrible, gusty, easterly wind blowing here today. And when I say gusty, I mean gusty enough to blow the car unexpectedly sideways along Atawhai Drive on my way home. Although it doesn't come around often, the easterly is the only wind, around here,where there's really no good kiting to be had, anywhere. The gusting means its really hard to find the right sized kite for a start. One second you'll be way over powered, and the next, your kite can just drop from the sky. Its an unpredicable wind.
Anyway, I decided to drop one of my excaliburs off at the kite shop, since I won't be needing it today, at least! It needs a few repairs after the strong winds lately. The backbone of the kite had popped right through the skin (ouch!). It kept flying but left a tear which is just getting bigger. I can't seem to visit that shop without buying something; a kite for my neice's birthday, a harness for my two line kites, frisbee for the dog, etc... and today it was a splash gaurd for the buggy. Of course I had to drag the buggy out, assemble it, and fit the splash gaurd to see what it looked like, even though there was no chance of using it today :)
 Ta DA! (its the red thingy)
6:33:41 PM