Today was Senior Prizegiving at school/work. That means the junior school go home early and the seniors and teachers spend the afternoon sitting on hard chairs, in a stuffy assembly hall. For me, it means I can sneak an afternoon off work.
Today is also my 32nd birthday. So the afternoon off was spent in the best way I could think of. Kite buggying with a storm kite in howling NW winds, on Rabbit Island beach. The speed record I set the other day is now exactly 1kph faster. With two excaliburs (again) I ran the enitre length of the beach (7.76km west to east) in exactly 12 minutes and 18 seconds, with a top speed of 64kph! The wind kept picking up and soon I was flying just one kite, instead of two.
I retired to the car at 7pm after clocking up 38.5km up and down the beach. I had buggied through 2 or three rain-showers but the wind had been perfect. They storm front made a dramatic sky.:D

 The wind was blowing balls of foam across the beach like tumble-weeds.
 Todays kiting desktop wallpaper (1600x1200) . My black excalibur kite against the stormy sky.
11:07:44 PM