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  Monday, 7 May 2007

Boulder Bank Drive

At the northern end of the huge esturay that is Nelson Haven, is Boulder Bank drive. On one side of the road is the esturay, on the other Wakapuaka sand flats and wildlife reserve.

Boulder Bank Drive 3

This kite aerial photography session was late in the day so most of my shots looking straight down were slightly blurred, but I got a few shots with a faster shutter speed looking out towards the setting sun.

Boulder Bank Drive 2

Wakapuaka Sand Flat

Each time I launch a kite-borne camera I take a self-portrait test shot at low altitude to check everything is turned on and connected. I must remember to smile next time, but there is quite a bit to concentrate on while taking photos via radio control and flying a kite at the same time.

Boulder Bank Drive KAP flight test shot

6:56:14 PM    Comment []

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