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  Saturday, 12 May 2007

Wakapuaka Sandflats Wildlife Reserve

I went back to Boulder Bank Drive this afternoon to try some more kite aerial photography. The light last time, on Monday, had been to scarce get any good shots looking straight down. Today was much better and the low afternoon sun really lit up the reds in the odd assortment of flora in this unique habitat. The esturay on the other side of the road also provided some nice fractal arrangements in contrasting greens, blues and greys.

Esturay Channel 3

Boulder Bank Drive

Wakapuaka Sandflat Wildlife Reserve

Wakapuaka Sandflat Wildlife Reserve

9:45:39 PM    Comment []

Motorbike on Boulder Bank Drive

7:38:13 PM    Comment []

Toutouwai - New Zealand Robin - Petroica australis

Toutouwai is a fearless little bird, bolder even than the Fantail. They will fly within an arms reach and are even known to perch on a persons head of shoulder. I have still found it challenging to get good shots of this species however because I usually come across them in the deepest darkest parts of the NZ bush where the light for photography of fast moving, dark coloured birds is not the best.

11:16:11 AM    Comment []

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Last update: 5/10/2008; 2:02:42 p.m. .

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