Moroni in the Sun
I found this great shot of Moroni in the Sun (the warm, inviting Moroni). With the sun and smokey sky it looks like California, but it is actually Moroni atop the Salt Lake Temple. Yes, I'm trying to compete with the stunning image of Moroni Against the Mountains (the harsh, cold Moroni) that has been posted in various places recently, most strikingly here at Times and Seasons. According to David at A Soft Answer, he got the link from an entry at Ripe Bananas, but the only photo I found there was this powerful shot of a guy on a horse (you have to scroll down a bit but you can't miss it). Might be Moroni son of Mormon riding into a Nephite battle (the stern, martial Moroni), but it also bears a strong resemblance to Aragorn son of Arathorn, Man of the West. You decide.
7:09:42 PM