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  Thursday, January 15, 2004

Sometimes it seems like polygamists just can't get along with anyone, doesn't it?  The Religion News Blog reports that an anonymous letter decries FLDS leader. Sample - The writer of an anonymous letter, sent to 460 households in the twin cities of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, says he was told in a dream by God that a false prophet is leading the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I don't suppose that rocks your worldview, but it's certainly big news in Colorado City.  Readers of Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven will recall these smallish towns on the southern Utah border as the home of the polygamous FLDS Church, a Mormon schismatic group.  

Things are hopping down there following the FLDS leader's actions last week excommunicating twenty men and taking away their (largish) families and their (schismatic Mormon) priesthood.  See these additional stories, working backwards chronologically: FLDS Carefully Watched,  Mayor and Others Ousted From FLDS Church, and FLDS Prophet Thins Flock.  Yes, there's a reason the Western world embraces monogamy:  it works much better than the alternatives of polygamy or zerogamy (although zerogamy has its advocates). 9:45:03 PM      

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Last update: 3/3/2004; 12:04:33 AM.