Dave's Mormon Inquiry Weblog
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  Friday, January 30, 2004

If I read my site statistics correctly, yesterday I had two visitors from England, one from India, three from Australia, and even a Kiwi!  Welcome, one and all.  While I haven't visited India, I did spend a few days in London touring Kew Gardens, the Museum of Natural History, and several outstanding Italian restaurants.  Missed Riverdance, but heard a fine concert at St. Martin-in-the-Fields.  I liked the place.

I've seen Melbourne (we went to the penguin roost and the flea market) and New Zealand before it became Middle Earth.  Very green, lots of sheep, cold water, nice people, no hobbits. 12:43:55 AM      

Christianity Today posted a talk by the noted scholar of American religion Martin E. Marty about Evangelicalism.  He summarizes the success the movement has enjoyed the last thirty years, but suggests that compromises with the surrounding culture have also transformed the movement.  His point seems to be that it's harder to rail against Babylon once you start to share a lot in common.

This post and link kind of balance out my Evangelicals at the Rose Bowl post (see below).  Incidentally, Marty lumps Mormons in with the successful Evangelicals--he noted how in recent decades the public has moved away from Catholic and mainline Protestant churches toward other forces that had voices of their own: nonwhite Christians, Mormons, evangelicals, Jews.  Interesting neighborhood. 12:20:32 AM      

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Last update: 3/3/2004; 12:06:51 AM.