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Anyone But Bush For President

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of the

George W. Bush
is "a
miserable failure
on foreign policy
on the economy
he's got
to be replaced."
George Bush
Has Got to Go!
Flush Bush!
Anyone But Bush
in 2004!
Have you taken a
good look at
George W. Bush

UserlandLast Updated: 3/13/04; 4:56:30 AM

February 2004
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What is the most damning W truth of which most Americans are unaware?

Holes in the official story of the 9-11 attacks
How massive a deficit W has created in 3 years
How the rest of the world views W and US policy
How unintelligent and unqualified W really is
How W's tax cuts affect the mega-rich vs. working people
How W's war has made terrorism more likely
Israel's actions toward Palestinians
No WMD in Saddam's Iraq
W's AWOL from National Guard
What most Iraqis think of the US occupation

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Flush Bush in 2004! Toilet
Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Same-sex couples seek religious unions   

As the right-wing ever more loudly and vehemently spews its obnoxious anti-gay rhetoric about "God's will" and "Biblical law" and "sin" and "decency" and "tradition" and the "moral fabric of America"...and on and on, more quietly, and ultimately more spiritually and more faithfully, dozens and hundreds and thousands of same-sex couples are choosing to declare their vows to one another in religious ceremonies. Sometimes they do so within religious movements (such as Paganism, Reform Judaism, and Unitarian Universalism) and Christian denominations (such as the United Church of Christ, Congregationalism, Friends (Quakers) & the Metropolitan Community Church, some congregations within United Methodism & Presbyterianism, and some dioceses of Episcopalianism) that openly welcome them, and sometimes they do so even within such officially condemning movements as Roman Catholocism. In defiance of any and all traditional religious doctrine that opposes their very existence, gay and lesbian couples are refusing to deny their natural human spiritual and religious needs and desires and are instead creatively seeking out ways to have them met. Hallelujah!

(Looks like the religious right is spinning its wheels deeper and deeper into the mud to me.)

2:38:59 PM  |  This is Post #110  |  Permanent URL:   |  

Today's kids: "Live and let live"   

It's not always the case, but today I love teenagers! :) The children are our *grin*

(Note: Right now this is on the linked website, but I'm not sure how long it will be there, so I've downloaded it, so it will always be here on this blog.)

January 22nd, 2004: What are your thoughts on same-sex marriages?

"Anybody should be able to do anything they want."
Cassandra, 13

"If they're happy, they can get married if they want. Who cares?"
Stephanie, 13

"I think it's perfectly normal and people should respect them for who they are."
Jasmine, 13

"It's their choice on what they want to do."
Bryan, 14

4:19:29 AM  |  This is Post #109  |  Permanent URL:   |  

More on US soldiers in Iraq: an interview   

O2- I want to talk about this and tell people how bad it really is in Iraq. It is a complete fucking slaughter and it is only going to get worse. The attacks in the last month or so have been meticulously well planned and executed. We are seeing a level of sophistication that the chain of command did not ever expect. Many of the officers knew that they were going to be dealing with well trained Iraqi army and militia units. There might or might not be outside support and insurgents, but I know the Iraqis are more than capable of messing up your day. These guys have been trained to fight guerilla style and they don't give up. We are in deep shit now that they have started to get more organized.

O1- I don't think that some of the higher level planners expected this kind of resistance and guerilla activity. We tried to tell them months ago that it wasn't just Ba'ath party members and Saddam supporters. Some of the most highly trained guerillas are Shiite and Kurdish. We are going to be in some real trouble if the Kurds ever decide to join together with the Shiites and fight against us. Throw the Sunni radicals into the mix and it's total chaos with our guys stuck smack in the middle. It's one giant cluster fuck and the US soldiers are going to be the one that gets hurt and killed. That country is on the brink of civil war right now. Years of subdued hatreds are now boiling over. That is why you see all the different targets that are being hit by the car bombs.

O2- Yeah, we are in a real meat grinder right now. The real danger is that the whole country will erupt in civil unrest and the US troops will be caught between many different rival factions. I don't look forward to going back there, but I don't have a choice.

My comments: What a nightmare. I hope the UN can do something. Kofi Annan was in Washington yesterday and met with Dubya (poor Kofi) and said: "We are going to go there [to Iraq] to help the Iraqis, to help them establish a government that is Iraqi, a government that will work with them to assure their future, in terms of political and economic destiny." I hope so.

12:51:53 AM  |  This is Post #108  |  Permanent URL:   |  

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