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Anyone But Bush For President

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Tell that to W!

Support Our Troops: Bring Them Home!

of the

George W. Bush
is "a
miserable failure
on foreign policy
on the economy
he's got
to be replaced."
George Bush
Has Got to Go!
Flush Bush!
Anyone But Bush
in 2004!
Have you taken a
good look at
George W. Bush

UserlandLast Updated: 3/13/04; 4:56:48 AM

February 2004
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What is the most damning W truth of which most Americans are unaware?

Holes in the official story of the 9-11 attacks
How massive a deficit W has created in 3 years
How the rest of the world views W and US policy
How unintelligent and unqualified W really is
How W's tax cuts affect the mega-rich vs. working people
How W's war has made terrorism more likely
Israel's actions toward Palestinians
No WMD in Saddam's Iraq
W's AWOL from National Guard
What most Iraqis think of the US occupation

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Flush Bush in 2004! Toilet
Sunday, February 8, 2004

Will Tim Russert grill Bush?   

Will Dubya flub his way through or become noticeably entangled in his own lies?

David Corn of The Nation offers Tim "Eight Questions for George W. Bush"...

Tim Russert, the Grand Inquisitor of Sunday morning, is scheduled to have George W. Bush in the witness chair for a full hour on the next Meet the Press. ...This will be high drama, as the nation's politerati--and millions of others--watch to see if Russert gives Bush the hot-seat treatment.

There is, of course, much to ask Bush about. Did he decided to use military force against Iraq before 9/11? Where are the WMDs he insisted were there? Why is he using phony budget numbers? Did he engage in less-than-proper business dealings before he entered politics? Why he has misled the public while promoting his policies on stem cells research, global warming, and missile defense? Why has he opposed certain homeland security measures and not adequately funded others? It's a long list, and I'm sure Russert is busy preparing his own queries. But in an unsolicited act of kindness, I have crafted eight questions for Russert--several on matters in the news, a few on issues that have received less attention. ...

Another writer at The Nation, Naomi Klein, has some material Mr. Russert would do well to take a look at. I'd love to see The Dummy in Chief try to explain the nefarious activites of a certain "Research Triangle Institute" and its cushy contract deal empowering it to pressure local Iraqi governing councils into, among other things, privatized curbside waste collection systems... Ms. Klein offers hope that the Bush administration might be forced into allowing the formation of a truly sovereign Iraqi state: "unshackled by debt, unencumbered by inherited contracts, unscarred by US military bases and with full control over its resources, from oil to reparations." Some people claim miracles do happen... That one would be enough to shake the foundations of even the most hard-core atheist!

Finally, yet another Nation columnist, Matt Bivens, presents what would be some truly fabulous material for Russert to use, particularly on a Sunday morning...

God and the President

In his late 30s, soon after an evening of talks with evangelist Billy Graham, George W. Bush declared himself a born-again Christian.

Does he therefore believe -- as born-again Christians often do -- that even good and kind people are doomed to Hell, unless they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior?

Does he believe that Jews and Muslims are ultimately damned? If he doesn't believe that, then is he saying one can reject Jesus Christ -- yet still go to Heaven? If he does believe that, then does the inevitable damnation of the majority of humanity ever enter into his Earthly calculations? ...

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