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Anyone But Bush For President

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Tell that to W!

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of the

George W. Bush
is "a
miserable failure
on foreign policy
on the economy
he's got
to be replaced."
George Bush
Has Got to Go!
Flush Bush!
Anyone But Bush
in 2004!
Have you taken a
good look at
George W. Bush

UserlandLast Updated: 3/13/04; 4:57:04 AM

February 2004
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What is the most damning W truth of which most Americans are unaware?

Holes in the official story of the 9-11 attacks
How massive a deficit W has created in 3 years
How the rest of the world views W and US policy
How unintelligent and unqualified W really is
How W's tax cuts affect the mega-rich vs. working people
How W's war has made terrorism more likely
Israel's actions toward Palestinians
No WMD in Saddam's Iraq
W's AWOL from National Guard
What most Iraqis think of the US occupation

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Flush Bush in 2004! Toilet
Saturday, February 14, 2004

Bishop Spong condemns Bush Administration for lies about Iraq war   

Jane from Adelaide, South Australia asks: "How did you feel when your daughter joined the Marines and was deployed to Iraq during the war, while you were so outspokenly opposed to that war?"

Dear Jane,

I respect each of our children and trust them to make the proper decisions for their lives. It would not occur to me to try to make my children abide by my convictions or attitudes, even if I could. So I trust them to live as they decide.

I opposed the war for lots of reasons that are now, even after the capture of Saddam, overwhelmingly being shown to be right.

The war hype was not related to reality. Iraq posed no imminent threat to the United States. Iraq had nothing to do with the September 11 terrorist attack. Attacking Iraq was a policy decision made before the Bush Administration took power on January 20, 2001.

  • There were no weapons of mass destruction.
  • There was no atomic capability.
  • There was no germ warfare that could be made ready in 45 minutes.
  • The American case was so weak that major allies would not join the war effort.
  • The propaganda that called these troops "Coalition forces" was stretched beyond reasonableness. It was an Anglo-British [I think he meant Anglo-American] force with a sprinkling of others. [A tiny sprinkling at that!]
  • The cost of the war was grossly underestimated. The cost of reconstruction has only recently begun to be embraced.
  • The "pinpoint" new precision weapons that were supposed to minimize civilian casualties were a joke since we know that some 14,000 Iraqis died, about half of them innocent citizens.
  • There was no exit strategy.
  • Terrorism is not fought with bombs and missiles. Terrorism is fought by addressing the causes of despair and hopelessness that give rise to a willingness to die in order to inflict pain on those the terrorists hold responsible for your pain.
  • The truth about this military adventure was never told.
  • The benefits do not offset the loss of more than 500 American lives.
  • Unilateral military action breaks trust in the family of nations.

I think the war was fought for three unspoken reasons:

1. The first President George Bush had made a mess of the first Iraqi war. Not only did he not complete his mission but he encouraged dissident Iraqis with promises of help to rebel against what he thought was a crippled Saddam Hussein. They rebelled, received no help and were murdered by Saddam, while that first President Bush stood by meekly, hoping to ride his "victory" to a second term in the White House. He failed. His son, the second President Bush, wanted to clean up his father's mistakes.

2. Iraq had oil reserves, which American oil interests wanted. Neither North Korea nor Libya, both of which posed a greater threat than Iraq to their neighbors and to the world with their known arsenals of destructive weapons were invasion targets. In these places we sought a diplomatic or "negotiated settlement." The difference? Neither North Korea nor Libya has oil.

3. After 9/11, the leaders of Saudi Arabia told the Bush administration that they could not survive politically if American military personnel continued to operate from Saudi Arabia. The U.S. needed a Middle Eastern country to solidify its military presence in that region. Iraq was the choice. These facts mean to me that this present administration has not been honest with the American people. They, therefore, do not have my trust.

John Shelby Spong was the Episcopal Bishop of Newark, NJ, for more than twenty years and is one of the leading spokespersons in the world for progressive Christianity. He is the author of 15 books including the bestselling Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism, Living in Sin, Liberating the Gospels, and Why Christianity Must Change or Die.

Note: I got text because it was posted to mailing list I'm on. It's from Spong's e-mail newsletter. In order to receive the newsletter, one must pay a fee at this site. I'm disturbed that he's selling his ideas for $35 $25 (apparently there's been a recent markdown!) a year... What kind of bizarre money-making scheme is that John?

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