Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2004

SpaceShipOne holt den Ansari X-Prize [heise online news] 9:27:53 PM   trackback [] 

mp3 bookmarks in itunes. From the iPodder-dev list a script that sets bookmarks in mp3's, assuming you're using iTunes and a Mac. [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog] 9:24:33 PM   trackback [] 

daily source code october 4 2004.

featuring Hugo Schotman as special guest

mp3 37 mb, 46 minutes

Links to topics in this show:

Hugo Schotman

Trade Secrets


Podcasting from SoftwareLand


iPodSoft Nieuws

Gillmor Gang

Rasterweb Audio


Steve Gillmor



St. Paul Pioneer Press

[Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog] 9:22:04 PM   trackback [] 

Deciding Whether to Drop Anchor. One goal in the move to new software on Workbench is to salvage incoming links from other sites. When you break weblog entry permalinks, you break links on every site that referred to your entries. Because I use weblog archives as a research tool often in my programming, I don't want to hose permalinks switching from Radio UserLand to my hand-coded LAMP software.

I thought I could write a short PHP script to redirect each old Radio-style link to its new link -- just grab the anchor portion of the URL that follows the pound sign ("#"), make a MySQL database query to match the old anchor to the new one, then redirect the request to the proper resource.

No such luck.

The portion of a URL that follows "#" is called the fragment identifier. Radio finds an entry's internal ID number with this fragment -- for instance, #a1833 refers to entry 1833 in the weblogData.posts table.

Much to my surprise, fragment identifiers are not passed by a Web browser to a server as part of a URL request. Instead, they're used strictly by the Web browser, as described by the W3C:

Interpretation of the fragment identifier is performed solely by the agent that dereferences a URI; the fragment identifier is not passed to other systems during the process of retrieval. This means that some intermediaries in Web architecture (such as proxies) have no interaction with fragment identifiers and that redirection (in HTTP [RFC2616], for example) does not account for fragments.

When you request http://ekzemplo.com/view.html#note, the server only receives http://ekzemplo.com/view.html. The browser loads the page and jumps to the anchor named note.

Because the browser doesn't share the fragment identifier, there's no way for a Web application, Apache's mod_rewrite module, or anything else on the server to take action based on that part of the URL.

More details can be found in a proposed Internet draft about fragments and URL redirection.

To retain old permalinks, my new software puts two anchors in an old entry -- its Radio ID and new ID, as in this example:

<a name="1648"></a><a name=a1835></a>

Perhaps this is old news, but I'm amazed at the design implications of this fragment issue for entry-based publishing tools like Radio. Web servers never see the full permalink generated by the software (or my own, which also uses "#" links). I'm thinking about recoding to drop fragment identifiers in permalinks, but I can't figure out how without adopting a one-entry-per-page approach to archives, which I'd like to avoid. [Workbench] 9:19:04 PM   trackback [] 

shows updated. The directory of Podcasts has been updated [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog] 7:58:38 PM   trackback [] 

XP Service Pack 2 auch für Embedded-Windows [heise online news] 7:57:36 PM   trackback [] 

Der PC im Mac, die Siebte [heise online news] 7:55:30 PM   trackback [] 

Mount St Helens blows? The picture below updates every ten minutes. [Scripting News] 7:53:44 PM   trackback [] 

Audio Hijack
AudioHijack Pro

Simple US$32 software that allows you to record audio from all kinds of sources onto your computer hard drive. Use it to capture anything from internet streams to DVD audio and everywhere in between. If your machine can play it, Audio Hijack Pro can record it. The Pro version of Audio Hijack will also enhance any audio, using industry-standard VST and AudioUnit audio effects to make your music sound better. I understand Adam Curry has been using this software for experiments with I-podding.

- Jonathan Marks [Broadcast Gadgets] 7:52:33 PM   trackback [] 

MicTube and MP3 Recorder
MP3 kit consisting of a RIP Flash recorder and a MicTube Posted by Hello

Maycom market two useful units for the reporter on a budget. The MicTube
Professional microphone pre-amp is just that. Most MP3 recorders or Mini Disc recorders do not have a proper MIC input, but a line input at best. This tube clips on the bottom on a balanced XLR microphone and allows you to set the output level on a simple meter. It uses an internal battery.

Maycom also market an MP3 recorder sourced in East Asia. It does a fine job in making MP3 recordings - great for speech recordings. Not really the best for serious music recordings. - Jonathan Marks [Broadcast Gadgets] 7:50:56 PM   trackback [] 

(Titel googlen!)

Broadcast Gadgets

Broadcast Gadgets: "Beste Geräteübersicht als Weblog"

7:20:42 PM   trackback [] 

(Titel googlen!)

MP3 Reporter Kit

7:16:53 PM   trackback []