Samstag, 16. Oktober 2004

(Titel googlen!)

General Motors: 18 Jahre "soziale Verantwortung"

Michael Moore hat mit "Roger & Me" vor nunmehr 18 Jahren aus persönlichem Interesse einen Dokumentarfilm gedreht, der heute genauso aktuell ist wie damals 10:30:55 PM   trackback [] 

A picture named raiseTheBar.jpgThis is the first mention of the new audio weblog ping-center here on Scripting News. With the release of Google Desktop Search and then the MSNBC feeds, and the coverage of the Valerie Plame debate, there hasn't been a good time to talk about it until now. Basically Adam and I each bought a new server, we're working to get the first one fully functional. It's now responding to pings, producing a changes.xml and a shortChanges.xml, and developers in the podcasting community, such as Brandon Fuller, above, are starting to ping and some are starting to build apps off changes.xml. It's good to hear that generic pinging is working. Honestly I hadn't claimed it does, because I wrote the code when I was pretty tired and hadn't yet had a chance to test it. [Scripting News] 10:25:55 PM   trackback [] 

Aldi mit Multimedia-Notebook [heise online news] 10:24:04 PM   trackback [] 

Voice over IP im Praxistest [heise online news] 10:23:21 PM   trackback [] 

Doc Searls: Why Podcasting isn't Radio. [Scripting News] 10:22:32 PM   trackback []