Mittwoch, 2. März 2005

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Cory - isnít Google violating your cc license?

Cory writes:

Plenty of Cowbell asks whether I like the sight of an ISBN corresponding to one of my books being rewritten. My answer: Hell ya!

OK, perhaps I picked a bad example. Of course Cory is excited about anything that reduces the friction for a potential Doctorow book buyer. But what ... [gefunden bei plenty of cowbell ...] 1:02:53 PM   trackback [] 

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Podcasting im Boston Globe

Finally a different podcasting piece, one with some IQ points behind it, from the Boston Globe. They didn't write me out of the story and the quotes are accurate. Only major quibble is that podcasting isn't all about making money, as the Web wasn't in 1994, but on the whole it was a refreshing piece, not the usual cookie-cutter article, or Silicon Valley-centric. Thanks! [gefunden bei Scripting News ...] 12:52:53 PM   trackback [] 

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Gmail down

Rebecca MacKinnon, a Gmail user, has the top hit for Gmail down. Apparently Gmail goes down from time to time, but Google doesn't communciate with users. [gefunden bei Scripting News ...] 12:04:21 PM   trackback [] 

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NASA Hubble Space Telescope Daily Report # 3806

[gefunden bei SpaceRef Top Stories ...] 11:11:34 AM   trackback [] 

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NASA Hubble Space Telescope Daily Report # 3805

[gefunden bei SpaceRef Top Stories ...] 11:08:37 AM   trackback [] 

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Rosetta: Treffen mit der Erde

Die europäische Kometensonde Rosetta wird am 4. März ein Fly-By Manöver an der Erde haben. [gefunden bei News ...] 11:01:24 AM   trackback []