Mittwoch, 9. März 2005

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Giuliana Sgrena:»Das zerreißt mich«

Die italienische Journalistin und ZEIT-Mitarbeiterin Giuliana Sgrena spricht über ihren getöteten Befreier, ihre Kidnapper und die Vorwürfe gegen US-Soldaten [gefunden bei DIE ZEIT: Homepage ...] 11:10:28 AM   trackback [] 

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NASA Hubble Space Telescope Daily Report # 3810

[gefunden bei SpaceRef Top Stories ...] 12:27:54 AM   trackback [] 

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The Gates photo-album contest on Flickr

Cory Doctorow: Bob Stein writes,
The Institute for the Future of the Book and issued a call today for photos and stories documenting Christo and Jeanne-Claude's Gates Project in New York's Central Park. Using Flickr's unique photo-sharing platform, the Institute for the Future of the Book will gather pictures of the Gates from anyone and everyone who wants to contribute. The aim is to harness the creativity and insight of thousands to build a kind of collective memory machine - one that is designed not just for the moment, but as a lasting and definitive document of the Gates and our experience of them. "The photographs are a jumping off point for further exploration," says Ben Vershbow of the institute. "Ultimately, we are interested in collecting anything that can be shared over the web - film, audio, text - parodies and remixes."

While the photos and stories are being collected, the institute will encourage discussion and debate on how best to present the archives in hopes of finding new, unexpected ways to view and bring meaning to the content. The institute also welcomes the possibility of collaboration with designers, developers and web curators.

"This project is the beginning of a long-term exploration for us," says Bob Stein, director of the Institute. "Through this work, we are asking: how do we use social software to create works that are in the spirit of the web - i.e. free-form, ad hoc, always evolving, and driven by people's enthusiasm to share - but are also edited and shaped into something of lasting value? It is that tension - between frozen and fluid works - that we aim to explore. We are excited to see the ideas people will bring to the table."


(Thanks, Bob!) [gefunden bei Boing Boing ...] 12:26:07 AM   trackback []