Tonight I watched Lilo and Stitch with my kids, for about the 50th time.
I love this movie. We have it on DVD, and a while back I loaned it to some friends. One of them summarized it very well: "It's a psychotic little flick, but I really liked it."
It's everything a Disney movie isn't supposed to be. That's what makes it so much fun. Even the trailers are offbeat (they include four of them on the DVD).
Lots of cool little scenes and things to watch for, like the barfing robot in the opening scene, Lilo's rant about Pudge the fish (including a picture of Pudge in the opening credits), and "Does this look infected to you?" Oh, and Ving Rhames does the voice of... well, basically, Ving Rhames. As the coolest, badass ex-CIA social worker you've ever met.
If you haven't seen it, go rent it today. And then go buy the soundtrack on CD -- it's got the Hawaiian children's choir, a bunch of Elvis songs, and (best of all) Wynnona doing a kick-ass cover of "Burning Love."
Irreverence from Disney - done really well.
8:36:46 PM ; ;