Well, the election's over and I'm reaping my sole benefit of another four years of Bush, Cheney, stock market is up today. I didn't benefit from the tax cuts since my kids are grown and I'm in saving up for retirement mode not liquidating my assets mode. The markets have not been all that great for the last four years, but at least the dob bomb blast is behind us.
I'm intrigued by the proliferation of news reports (many on CNet's news site) that blogging and other Internet technologies have changed things drastically. I even heard a guy on NPR last night talk about the potential of a third party candidate from the blogger community. I think the guy had been smoking something funny. Third parties spring from a grievance or typically single-issue focus. Blogging is something you do, not a political ideology. Since bloggers are free from the restraints of normal journalism, facts and opinions can be mixed. With no responsibility, predictions can be made on any outlandish whim. But then, I didn't watch TV last night. I had, and up on my computer while catching up on some personal finance chores. By the way, Drudge was pretty accurate.
How will the election affect manufacturing? I don't think it will have any impact at all. We already know what Bush has done for us. Kerry wouldn't have done much more any way. Social and market forces are at work. It's up to those of us who are truly leaders in manufacturing to grab the initiative and start innovating and growing our businesses. That will drive the stock market up (for those of us trying to prepare for the future) and create jobs for the population.
Let's get to work.
1:24:55 PM