Updated: 8/2/06; 7:44:35 AM.
Gary Mintchell's Feed Forward
Manufacturing and Leadership.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed."-- Napoleon Hill

10:18:21 AM    comment []

Again on the soccer front, Italian defender Materozzi admits to "insulting" Zidane. Well, duh, of course he did. The TV showed close ups of the time leading up to the head butt incident. Materozzin held his shirt a little on the run--not enough to draw a whistle. Derek and I, each of whom have spent a few hours on the pitch, saw them talking. We didn't know what was said, but it was obvious that it wasn't "good day." Derek was a tough defender who knew people. When he spotted a hot head, he knew how to say something that played with their heads. Take that ability up several notches. Every player at the World Cup level knows the other players. Everyone had to know Zidane was a hot head. Therefore, get the right opportunity and voila.

By the way, I only refereed my son once. Taught me a valuable lesson. In his last regular season high school game against a non-conference arch rival. The assigned referee couldn't make it and I was the only referee with no games who had the experience to handle a tough match. The other team had a forward that Derek played against 4 years in soccer, 3 in basketball and 1 in tennis. I knew this. It taught me to glance back after the defender clears the ball to see how the two are getting along. I did that one time and could be heard far up in the stands telling them to knock it off. Got a big laugh from the other parents.

10:14:57 AM    comment []

If MG can make a comeback, maybe there is hope for GM. Here's an AP article from Yahoo News about a Chinese auto company (Nanjing) making a British car in Oklahoma. Audacious vision. Hope it works. Actually, I hope the car works. I had an MG Midget in the early 80s. My kids loved it. I learned a lot about working on cars while I had it. Anyway, here's a greenfield automation opportunity in the US.

7:04:01 AM    comment []

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