Well, we just got off the stage from the Media Panel at the WBF Conference. Nancy, Mark and I all made brief presentations, thankfully different from each other. Generated some concerned discussion--mostly about how standards organizations can attract more volunteers and reach more people.
The annual Tom Fisher Award, the society's highest honor, were presented Dennis Brandl of BR&L Consulting and Dave Emerson of Yokogawa for their enormous contributions to the development of the standards. Even I knew that these were well deserved awards.
Great presentations by people who are actually implementing these standards (ISA-88, ISA-95 and B2MML). The shame is that there should be at least another 100 users here. I interviewed several people for my May article on MES who all said that their biggest challenge in rolling out a solution from one plant to many was nomenclature. Each plant had different names for the same thing. Guess what? If the plants had all implemented 88 and 95, the problems would have been marginal.
2:20:26 PM