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Saturday, July 03, 2004

We're heading North for the celebration [posted by Troy] We're going to be in Milwaukee over the weekend, catching the Cubs/Brewers game on Monday, so there won't be any new posts. I've put on a bunch today, but I really hope you're out enjoying the weekend and not just reading these on the Web. In honor of the 4th, here are some 4th of July sites: Two quick 4th of July facts:

1) John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both on the committee charge with writing the Declaratin of Independence died on the 4th of July, within hours of each other.
2) The City of Vicksburg, Mississippi, the site of Grant's final victory over the South for control of the Mississippi River, did not celebrate the 4th of July after the Union victory until July 4th, 1942 during WWII.
9:58:45 AM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

Riding 2082 miles in 3 weeks takes some work. [posted by Troy] This is a nice little piece about endurance training. It talks about the Tour de France but also how endurance training works.

And I quote: In contrast to training for strength sports like football, endurance training is intended to improve not muscle strength but rather the ability to produce power hour after hour.Endurance training has these effects on the body:

  • Strengthens heart muscles
  • Causes the heart to pump more blood per contraction
  • Stimulates growth of capillaries, which deliver blood to muscles.
  • Forms more mitochondria in skeletal muscle cells. (These tiny structures make ATP, the chemical that powers muscle contractions).
  • Sparks formation of myoglobin inside muscle cells. This chemical briefly stores oxygen.
  • Improves balance and coordination

  • 9:47:16 AM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

Only at the Taste of Chicago [posted by Troy] The Longest Hotdog on Earth was created specially for the Taste of Chicago. Now, that's good eatin'.
9:42:11 AM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

If not Lance, then Tyler? [posted by Troy] I know that I've been putting up tons of crap about Armstrong as the Tour arrives, but there is another American with a good shotting at winning this race. Tyler Hamilton is from the East coast, and he used to ride with Armstrong. If Lance can't win it this year, then I hope Tyler does.
9:40:13 AM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

War's OK, Bush isn't. [posted by ZelderBar] Here's a CSM article about a new breed of protest music hitting the pop scene. It's not really anti-war musice. It's more anti-Bush music. Here's a quote:
  • But whereas protest songs during the Vietnam era were broadly antiwar in their message, the new batch of political tunes aren't narrowly focused on the recent war. It's more personal than that. Most of the music is targeted at the actions and policies of one man: George W. Bush.

9:37:30 AM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

Armstrong as Pitch Man [posted by Troy] ESPN.com article about Lance as a salesman. He's big time $$$. Chu-ching.
9:34:01 AM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

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